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Breath & Sound - Kundalini Yoga Meditation and Gongs 13/4 8am



Listen deeply to your own sound, and fall in love with it.
What does "listen to your own sound" mean? It means that there are trillions of vibrations emanating from you at this very moment. The movement of your atoms. The flow of the blood inside your veins. The beating of your heart. The firing of the neurons as they transmit across synapses. The life force of the nuclei inside each cell. Each of these vibrations is actually generating a sound, composing the symphony of your own movement through time and space. In other words, the quality of your life is the quality of your sound.” - Gurujas 

Please join me at Earth Mothers Community on the Gold Coast for a 90 minute class to experience the power, force & grace of your own breath and sound accompanied by gongs. 

Gong meditations tune the body, assist with emotional cleansing, balance the energy and tone the nervous system. The combination of breath technology, movement, mantra, rhythm, music, meditation and gongs promotes deep, deep relaxation. The sound of the gong is an excellent way to deepen a yogi’s focus, allowing a deeper connection to energy (prana and apana) that is produced and released during the practice to release blocks and create new pathways.

You don’t have to but I recommend you wear white / light coloured clothing you can move, breathe and relax in as per the Kundalini Yoga tradition (please don't feel you have to buy anything).

Come & experience an elevation of your own vibratory frequency. Open to everyone. All Levels welcome.

Bookings essential due to restricted numbers in space, if you book and then can't make it please find someone to take your ticket, no refunds. BYO mat, meditation cushion, eye pillow, small blanket and water. Eat only very lightly beforehand and please come hydrated.

You can arrive 15 minutes early to get settled, position your mat, wash hands, etc. we start 8 am and finish 9:30am QLD time.

Location is Earth Mothers Community, 14/58 Railway Street Mudgeeraba, onsite parking available please check street parking timed zones.

Sunday 13th April 8 - 0930am.



Meditate before you medicate!

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