"Establishing a firm seat for oneself... covered with a cloth, and antelope skin and kushan grass." From Bhagavad Gita, Book V1, verse 11.
Just as it was customary for ancient yogis to practice yoga and prayer upon animal skins, it has been an ancient tradition for Kundalini Yogis to practice on a sacred sheepskin which is honoured, revered, and can be used for a lifetime. Sheepskins used for meditation are preferably sourced from farms that raise wool in an ethical manner, are animal welfare approved, certified, and from mature sheep who are raised for wool and have died due to old age. It is written that a yogi's reverence, prayer and meditation help to liberate the animal into higher dimensions.
Sheepskins have been used optionally in Kundalini Yoga rather than man made yoga mats because the meditation effect is quite tangibly heightened and it is better for the environment. The natural material insulates the practitioner’s aura from the electromagnetic field of the earth, and many people experience the feeling of a sacred space and profound shifts in consciousness while in deep meditative states connecting with the energy of the divine animal. Some choose not to use a synthetic substance, while others choose not to use wool at all. Others may use a natural or synthetic yoga mat, towel or blanket.
Veganism and vegetarianism are commonly prominent in a yogi’s lifestyle, and so the use of sheepskin generates discussion. Ultimately, it’s your decision, and a personal one. If you choose to practice Kundalini Yoga on a sheepskin I recommend you recycle one or buy one that is ethically sourced, if it is dyed natural dyes preferred, and honour it, respect it. Or you can just as easily practice Kundalini on your mat.
I encourage anyone practicing Kundalini Yoga to follow their own inner guidance to decide what is best for their own practice. From my own experience I love practicing on my sheepskin, when I step onto it I step into my practice and it holds my frequency. Whenever I travel I always take my sheepskin with me. On a cool morning it is warm and because we mostly sit in the Kundalini Yoga tradition it provides a soft surface and makes the long meditations more comfortable. My pets love it too and if I leave it out after my practice I quite often find them curled up, sound asleep on the sheepskin and to me it looks like they are being held in a high frequency and still connected to me and the sound current generated during the practice.
When my sons were tiny, before I became a Kundalini Yoga practitioner I used to place them on sheepskins and cover their little heads. Perhaps I always was a Kundalini yogi?
Sat Nam,